Disorganized organizations: Strategy

    Business Spotlight 7/2020
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    Transcript: Disorganized organizations — strategy

    In this exercise, you will hear some statements about how organizations function. In the pause after each statement, decide whether you agree or disagree with the statement and why. Then I’ll give you some feedback, based on Bob Dignen’s article. See whether or not you agree with the feedback. Ready? Here’s the first statement.

    1. A change management programme is the best way to manage the changing business environmentUmfeldenvironment.
    > Bob disagrees. He thinks that by the time a change management programme has been completed, the world will have changed again. This means that organizations never to never catch up withständig hinter etw. zurückbleibencatch up with reality.

    2. Badly organized companies can survive as long as they make a profit.
    > Bob agrees. He says that some companies survive for a long time despite their poor leadership or business models.

    3. Departments often pull in different directions in organizations.
    > Bob agrees. He thinks that this is because departments often have different and conflicting goalZielgoals.

    4. Most top professionals find it easy to communicate with each other.
    > Bob disagrees. He thinks that professionalFachkraftprofessionals with different areas of expertiseSachkompetenzexpertise often find it difficult to communicate with each other.

    5. Relations between headquartersZentraleheadquarters and local business unitsGeschäfts-, Unternehmensbereichbusiness units are often less than harmonious.
    > Bob agrees. This is because they operate on the basis of entirely different logics. One thinks globally, and the other thinks locally.

    6. Slow decisions from top management always cause problems.
    > Bob disagrees. He suggests that decisions are often made slowly because top management need to carefully balance the risks.

    7. We need to be able to hold opposing ideas in our heads at the same time.
    > Bob agrees. We live in a business world in which opposing realities and values often clash. We therefore need to to become comfortabledoing sth. , hier: etw. problemlos tun könnenbecome comfortable managing two or more truths at the same time.

    8. We need to cultivate cross-companyfirmenübergreifendcross-company networks, working beyond teams and departmentAbteilungdepartments.
    >  Bob agrees. He thinks such networks can promote holistic thinking and create solutions.

    Well, done. Did you agree with Bob’s feedback?

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