Full marks to Alzheimer’s Research UK

    Business Spotlight 5/2018
    Verschwommene Umgebung mit rotem Auto
    © youtube.com/AlzheimersResearch UK
    Von Margaret Davis

    Full marks to...Die Bestnote erhält ..Full marks to Alzheimer’s researchForschungResearch UK (ARUK), for helping healthy people experience what it feels like to have dementiaDemenzdementia.

    A Walk Through Dementia is a virtual-reality app and 360-degree YouTube video developed by ARUK, using the experiences of people with different forms of dementia. It takes the user through everyday activities such as a visit to the supermarket, a walk home from the shops and making tea for the family.

    The organization hopes that the app will help viewers recognize signs of dementia and develop empathy for dementia sufferers

    to pop to sth.eben mal zu etw. gehenPopping to the shops is no easy task,” ARUK writes on its website. “It requires planning, decision-making, concentration, spatialräumlichspatial navigation and calculation. All of these get harder when you have dementia.”

    The organization hopes that the app will help viewers recognize signs of dementia and develop empathy for dementia sufferers. “We all feel the frustration when a supermarket changes its layoutAnordnunglayout,” ARUK to point sth. outauf etw. verwei- sen, etw. bemerkenpoints out. “Spatial memory and navigation problems mean that people with dementia can experience that feeling every time they go shopping.”

    Users can see how a dementia patient could mistake a puddlePfützepuddle for a hole or have trouble climbing stairs because of a failure to judge distances. They can also see what it’s like to struggle to find the right changeWechselgeldchange in the supermarket, or to accidentally pour sth. on to sth.etw. auf etw. schüttenpour boiling water on to a counterTheke; hier: Arbeitsplattecounter instead of into a teacup.


    Try A Walk Through Dementia

    You can try out the experience with the 360-degree videos below. Look around by clicking and dragging the screen. If you’re using a mobile device with a gyroscope, you can also move and tilt the screen to look in different directions.


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