Full marks to SkiSuitRental in Vienna

    Business Spotlight 6/2017
    Skifahrer im Sonnenschein
    © Jag_cz/istock.com
    Von Margaret Davis

    Full marks to ...Die Bestnote erhält ...Full marks to SkiSuitRental in Vienna for making the sport of skiing more environmentally sustainable. Ski suits are expensive, especially if you have growing children who need a new suit every season. And ski suits take a lot of space in your luggage, making it harder to to travel lightmit wenig Gepäck reisentravel light. Wouldn’t it be better just to hire skiwearSkibekleidungskiwear when you need it?

    That’s why experienced skiers — and parents — Wendy Williams and Googie Gundolf to found sth.etw. gründenfounded SkiSuitrentalVerleihRental in 2016. “I teach sustainablenachhaltigsustainable development at university and the idea of renting rather than owning ski apparel(Be-)Kleidungapparel really to tap into sth.etw. erschließen; 
hier: entsprechentaps into the concept of the shared economy,” Canadian Williams told The Local. “If you only ski once a year and don’t want to travel with a lot of luggage, there is no need to buy your own kitAusrüstungkit.”

    If you only ski once a year and don’t want to travel with a lot of luggage, there is no need to buy your own kit

    Customers can order ski suits, trousers, gloveHandschuhgloves and gogglesSchutzbrille; 
hier: Skibrillegoggles via the company website, with the apparel then directly delivered to their hotels. The company delivers to all hotels at ski resortWintersportortski resorts in Austria. It also to ship (sth.)(etw.) versendenships to any ski resort in Europe.

    So far, SkiSuitRental has served clients from Germany, Malaysia and the UK, among others. “Customers love the business,” Williams says. “It will take a few seasons to reach sufficient volume in sales, but I am confident it will to flourishflorierenflourish.”


    Watch the founders of SkiSuitRental talk about their project:

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