The future of fashion

    Business Spotlight 5/2020
    Aditi Mayer
    © Aditi Mayer
    Von Ellie Violet Bramley

    Aditi Mayer, sustainable fashion advocate and journalist

    “My hope for a post-coronavirus future is one that values those in the supply chainLieferkettesupply chain. Garment workers are the heart of the fashion industry but are treated the worst and often come from the most marginalizedmarginalisiert, ausgegrenztmarginalized communities. It’s a uniqueeinzigartigunique moment because consumers are paying attention. Now is the time to reimagine new systems.”

    Rahemur Rahman, sustainable menswear designer

    “I am hopeful that it is going to allow us to redefine the fashion scheduleZeitplanschedule. Two collections a year is enough, without all the pre-collectionkleinere Zwischenkollektionpre-collections. I hope that because of this, young and emergingaufstrebend, Nachwuchs-emerging designers might have more of a voice in the room when big decisions are being made about the industry.”

    Céline Semaan, designer, advocate, writer and founder of Slow Factory and The Library Study Hall

    “It feels like everything is opening up so it can be to scrutinize sth.etw. gründlich prüfen, hinterfragenscrutinized and redesigned. The systems that are thrivingerfolgreich, gut gehendthriving are those that were built around community, planet, kindness and ecosystems. There is only one way from here: up.”

    Orsola de Castro, co-founder of Fashion Revolution

    “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the high street (UK)Haupteinkaufsstraße; hier auch: der Einzelhandel in der Innenstadthigh street didn’t return to the the same old same olddas Alte, das immer Gleichesame-old same-old, but instead had mending serviceReparatur-, Flickdienstmending services, smaller designers, tailors, rental places and swappingTauschswapping places?”

    Stephanie Shepherd, sustainable fashion advocate and co-founder of Future Earth

    “What I’m hoping for is already happening: transparency, interconnectedness and human flourishingGedeihen; hier: Wohlstandflourishing, which are all integral to building a circular economyKreislaufwirtschaftcircular economy.”

    Ayesha Barenblat, founder of Remake

    “My hope for fashion in a post Covid-19 world would be for the people who power supply chains — from retailEinzelhandelretail, warehouse(Waren-)Lagerwarehouse, to the factory floorFabrikhallefactory floor — to be treated as assetsVermögenswerte; hier: Kapitalassets rather than cost centres. I would hope to see sustainablenachhaltigsustainable brands that work in close partnership with worker-owned factories and unionizedgewerkschaftlich organisiertunionized warehouses so that there are safety nets and protection for the people working across the fashion supply chain.”

    Mara Hoffman, sustainable fashion designer

    “People are going to have to put the planet before their idea of profits. Some bigger companies will rather go back to a broken system than be in the discomfort of pioneerneue Wege beschreitenpioneering. But it’s going to take everyone being willing to risk new ways of doing things. Maybe that’s going to mean less money and that’s OK.”


    © Guardian News & Media 2020

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