How to be popular at work

    Business Spotlight 3/2017
    Ein Herz für Mitarbeiter: so machen Sie sich am Arbeitsplatz beliebt
    © BrianAJackson/
    Von Margaret Davis

    You probably don’t need to be reminded that you spend more time at work than you do at home with your family. So it’s important to make those hours as pleasant and profitable as possible. US entrepreneurUnternehmer(in)entrepreneur Murray Newlands has some tips for improving your working relationships:

    1. Respect other people’s time

    “One way to become extremely unpopular is to be ‘that’ person who insists on to pop into (a place)(irgendwo) hineinplatzenpopping into offices unannounced,” Newlands writes at “If you constantly interrupt people’s work or stretch a 30-second question into a 10-minute tiradeWortschwalltirade, you may be at the top of the list of your office’s most annoyingärgerlich; hier: nervigannoying co-workers.”

    2. Keep your emails polite

    And don’t make nastyhässlichnasty comments about colleagues. “One bad email can permanently damage your relationship with a co-worker, in addition to threatening your own professional reputation in the workplace.”


    One bad email can permanently damage your relationship with a co-worker


    3. Don’t complain to a colleague’s supervisorVorgesetzte(r)supervisor

    “If you have an issueProblem, strittige 
Angelegenheitissue with a fellow employeeKollege/Kolleginfellow employee, have a conversation directly with that person,” Newlands advises. “If you feel the employee’s behaviour is somehow putting the company at risk, turn it over to your own supervisor to handle.”

    4. Stay positive — but not too positive

    Be to be considerate of sb.gegenüber jmdm. 
rücksichtsvoll seinconsiderate of your colleagues. “An overly sunnyhier: positiv, unbeschwertsunny attitude can become annoying, especially when those around you are pressured by deadlines or dealing with issues.”

    5. Listen

    This is one of the most basic communication skills, yet one of the most difficult to put into practice. “Instead of thinking about the next thing you’ll say, actually listen to what the other person is telling you and, if relevant, show that you remember it in a later conversation,” he suggests.

    6. Support others

    “Favours are an important part of doing business,” Newlands to point sth. outetw. hervorhebenpoints out. But offer something yourself before you ask a colleague or business contact to do something for you. “Instead of always asking for favours, be the person to offer to help when you see a co-worker is overwhelmedüberfordert, überlastetoverwhelmed.”

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