How to shine in the workplace

    Business Spotlight 1/2020
    Büroklammer im Scheinwerferlicht
    © fantom_rd/
    Von Deborah Capras

    Everyone has competitionKonkurrenzcompetition. And everyone is working hard to beat the competition. Particularly when you work in a team, just doing your job well will not get you noticed. You need to be to be visiblesichtbar sein; hier: wahrgenommen werdenvisible — and you need to to shinehier: brillierenshine. Here’s some expert advice on how to to stand out from sb./sth.sich von jmdm./etw. abhebenstand out from your competition.

    Respond responsibly

    Be the person who responds quickly to requests and inquiries. More importantly, be the person who does what’s promised in the responses, advises Lolly Daskal, career coach and author of The Leadership gapLücke; hier: DefizitGap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness. “Most people to drop the ball (ifml.)hier etwa: einen/den Fehler machendrop the ball and don’t to follow up (on sth.)(etw.) weiterverfolgen, -bearbeitenfollow up,” Daskal writes on “Respond to emails, calls, requests, and inquiries as soon as you can. You will stand out as a person who respects others and is accountableverantwortlichaccountable.”

    to fix (a problem)(ein Problem) lösenFix it

    Solve problems, even when you’re not explicitly responsible for dealing with them, says Anthony Noto, SoFi CEO (chief executive officer)Firmenchef(in)CEO and former COO (chief operating officer)Vorstand für das operative GeschäftCOO of Twitter. Speaking on CNBC’s Make It, Noto explained: “Matrix organizations have things that to fall between the cracksdurch das Raster fallenfall between the cracks. People that run after problems instead of saying ‘it’s not my problem’ generally have an impact(Aus-)Wirkung, Einflussimpact on the company.”

    Be proactive

    Know what it says in your job description and be proactive about doing even more. “Tactfully offer feedback and suggestions to management where improvements can be made in the business,” advises Damarious Page on “Your attention to detail and willingness to help may put you on the path to a promotionBeförderungpromotion.”

    Find a difficult hobby

    How do you stay proactive? According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, to master sth.etw. beherrschenmastering a challenginghier: anspruchsvollchallenging hobby might help. The study, “Enjoy Your Evening, Be Proactive Tomorrow”, suggests that people who spend their evenings learning something difficult, such as a language or an instrument, feel more capable and motivated to to challenge sth.hier: etw. hinterfragenchallenge the status quo the next day at work. Relaxing hobbies, however, don’t have such an inspiring effect, the researcherForscher(in)researchers write.

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