Mira Murati: The most powerful woman in AI

    Business Spotlight 7/2023
    Mira Murati
    © Foto: Jim Wilson/NYT/Redux/laif​
    Von Rachel Preece


    Known as: engineer and chief technology officerTechnikvorstandchief technology officer (CTO) at OpenAI (artificial intelligence)KI (künstliche Intelligenz)AI

    Views: Murati is an advocateBefürworter(in)advocate of AI regulation and legislation

    previousfrüherPrevious companies: Goldman Sachs, Zodiac Aerospace, Tesla, Leap Motion


    The chief technology officerTechnikvorstandchief technology officer (CTO) of OpenAI (artificial intelligence)KI (künstliche Intelligenz)AI, the company behind ChatGPT, Mira Murati, has had quite a spectacular career that already includes a number of top-level positions. Born in Vlorë, a coastal city in south-western Albania, Murati was fascinated by mathematics, video games and computer science from an early age. She left her home country to study at Dartmouth College, an Ivy League university (US)EliteuniversitätIvy League university in New Hampshire, in the US, to graduateeinen Abschluss machengraduating in 2012 with a degreehier: akademischer Graddegree in mechanical engineeringMaschinenbaumechanical engineering.

    Beginning her career in Tokyo as an analyst for the bank Goldman Sachs, Murati later moved to Silicon Valley to get experience at some of the world’s most innovative technology companies. She worked as an engineer at an aerospace companyLuftfahrtunternehmenaerospace company, spent three years at Tesla as a seniorleitendsenior product manager and she worked at the computer hardware manufacturer Leap Motion as vice president of product and engineering. In 2018, Murati joined OpenAI and quickly got two big promotionBeförderungpromotions, becoming CTO in May 2022. And she’s still only in her mid-30s.

    Less hype would be good

    In January 2023, OpenAI’s estimated value was around $29 billionMilliarde(n)billion, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. ChatGPT, which had been to launch sth.etw. auf den Markt bringenlaunched just two months earlier, already had an estimated 100 million active monthly users. Murati’s role in the growth of the business has been significant: she leads the teams behind both DALL-E, which uses AI to create art based on text promptInput des Benutzers, zu dem ein Output erzeugt wirdprompts, and ChatGPT.

    Addressing the ethics of AI

    Murati openly addresses criticisms based on the ethical concerns of artificial intelligence. “The technology has such a huge effect on society,” she told Trevor Noah on The Daily Show. “But also, society can and should shape it. There are a a ton of sth. (ifml.)eine Menge von etw.ton of questions we are to wrestle with sth.mit etw. ringen; hier: intensiv nach Antworten auf etw. suchenwrestling with every day.” She has also spoken out about the potential risks of AI, stating that it is time to move towards regulating it. In an interview with TIME magazine in February 2023, she to acknowledge sth.etw. eingestehen, einräumenacknowledged common concerns over AI’s impactAuswirkung(en)impact on society: “There are a lot of ethical and philosophical questions that we need to consider.”

    to be renowned for sth.für etw. bekannt seinRenowned for being a very private person, Murati is uncomfortable with the hype that ChatGPT has generated. When asked about the updated version of ChatGPT, GPT-4, she told the US business magazine Fast Company: “Less hype would be good.”



    A group of universities in the northeastern United States make up the Ivy League. These institutions have long histories and a lot of academic prestige — nearly a third of all US presidents attended one of the eight Ivy League colleges: Harvard (to found sth.etw. gründenfounded in 1636), Yale (1701), Pennsylvania (1740), Princeton (1746), Columbia (1754), Brown (1764), Dartmouth (1769) and Cornell (1865).

    Despite its strong association with academic excellence, the expression “Ivy League” has its origins in sport — particularly, the rivalry of these colleges in American football, which dates back to the 1870s.

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