Renewable energy

    Business Spotlight 6/2018
    Illustration: Solar- und Windenergie
    © Mike Ellis
    Von Hildegard Rudolph

    Click the hotspots in the images below to discover the vocabulary. You will also find a list with translations and an exercise to train the new words.




    1. solar energySolar-, Sonnenenergiesolar energy
    2. solar panelSonnenkollektorsolar panel
    3. solar / photovoltaicmoduleSolar-, Photovol­taikmodul, PV-Modulsolar / photovoltaicmodule
    4. solar / photovoltaic cellSolar-, Photo(voltaik)zellesolar / photovoltaic cell 
    5. wind energyWindenergie,- kraftwind energy
    6. wind turbineWindkraftanlagewind turbine
    7. rotor bladeRotorblattrotor blade
    8. nacelleZelle, Gondelnacelle
    9. tower(Rohr-)Turmtower
    10. transformerTransformatortransformer
    11. hydroelectric power, hydropower, water energy/powerWasserkrafthydroelectric power, hydropower, water energy/power

    12. reservoirStausee, Talsperrereservoir
    13. damStaumauerdam
    14. power houseMaschinenhaus, Kraftwerkzentralepower house
    15. fall pipeFallleitungfall pipe
    16. biogas plantBiogasanlagebiogas plant
    17. preliminary tankVorgrubepreliminary tank
    18. digesterFermenterdigester
    19. dome-shaped gas holderkuppelförmiger Gasbehälterdome-shaped gas holder
    20. biomassBiomassebiomass



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