A shopping centre

    Business Spotlight 3/2018
    Illustration: ein Einkaufszentrum
    © Mike Ellis
    Von Hildegard Rudolph

    Click the hotspots in the image to discover the vocabulary. You will find a list with translations and an exercise to train the new words below.




    1. shopping centre, shopping mall (US)Einkaufszentrumshopping centre, shopping mall (US)
    2. lingerie shopDamenwäschegeschäftlingerie shop
    3. clothes shop, apparel store (US)Bekleidungsgeschäftclothes shop, apparel store (US)
    4. window displaySchaufensterauslage, -dekorationwindow display
    5. sports shopSportgeschäftsports shop
    6. first floor, second floor (US)erste Etagefirst floor, second floor (US)
    7. perfumeryParfümerieperfumery
    8. escalatorRolltreppeescalator
    9. baby changing facility/roomWickelraumbaby changing facility/room
    10. toilet, restroom (US)Toilettetoilet, restroom (US)

    11. information deskInformationsschalterinformation desk
    12. security guardSicherheitsbedienstete(r)security guard
    13. shoe shopSchuhgeschäftshoe shop
    14. shop assistant, salesclerk (US)Verkäufer(in)shop assistant, salesclerk (US)
    15. bookshop, bookstore (US)Buchhandlungbookshop, bookstore (US)
    16. directoryAnzeigetafeldirectory
    17 customerKunde/Kundincustomer
    18. lift,elevator (US)Aufzug, Fahrstuhllift,elevator (US)
    19. ground floor, first floor (US)Erdgeschossground floor, first floor (US)
    20. fast food restaurantSchnellimbissfast food restaurant


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