Talking to haters

    Business Spotlight 1/2018
    Dylan Marron
    © N Galai/Wire Images/Getty Images
    Von Margaret Davis

    Gay writer, actor and podcaster Dylan Marron knows what it’s like to deal with internet trolls. His sexual orientation and liberal views have made him a targetZiel; hier: Zielscheibetarget of abuseMissbrauch; hier: Beschimpfungenabuse. But instead of avoiding his critics, the 29-year-old has started talking to them.

    In his podcast, Conversations with People Who Hate Me, Marron telephones people who have insult sb.jmdn. beleidigeninsulted him and tries to find out why. “These are real people who have said things to me online that they wouldn’t necessarily say to me in person,” he told The New York Times.

    Marron says he can talk to people he disagrees with because he loves talking to people in general. “When I was younger, I got a job at Whole Foods, which was an amazingfantastisch, tollamazing job for me, because I had a different human in front of me every three to five minutes, and all I wanted to do was hear everything about them.”


    Most people soften when they feel listened to. And they’ll even listen to you in return

    Learning more about others makes it hard to hate them, Marron says. “Once you hear someone’s story, once you ask them that magic question that opens a lot of doors — ‘Why do you feel this way?’ — the world opens up a little.”

    Marron’s friends warned him against doing the podcast, so to stay safe, he doesn’t call anyone who has made death threats against him. “I’m still in the process of learning from this show,” he told Fast Company magazine, “but it’s helped me to confirm sth.etw. bestätigenconfirm a hypothesis: most people to softenhier: milder gestimmt werdensoften when they feel listened to. And they’ll even listen to you in return.”


    Listen to the podcast:

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