Travelling with the boss

    Business Spotlight 1/2019
    Mann und Frau am Flughafen
    © Johnny Greig/
    Von Julian Earwaker

    “If you were chosen to go along on a business trip, it’s because you’re supposed to be part of the solution — never part of the problem,” says Carolyn W. Paddock, travel expert, talking to the HuffPost. “And your boss wants to be sure that he or she can count on you to represent him/her appropriatelyin angemessener Weise, entsprechendappropriately.”

    Business travel presents challengeHerausforderungchallenges and opportunities, and never more so than when your companion for the trip is your manager. So how can you make the most of the experience? Start by remembering at all times that you are with your boss and at work, says Paddock. Her tips include being punctual, looking smart, not complaining (even when things don’t work out as planned), limiting your alcohol consumption, and keeping your personal phone or social media use to a minimum.

    Writing for the Reader’s Digest, Ian Landau to emphasize sth.etw. betonenemphasizes the importance of communication. “When things don’t go as planned, say something,” Landau says. “If you find yourself lost or to be in over one’s headeiner Sache/Situation nicht gewachsen seinin over your head, ask questions. Most managers love to give advice and recommendations.”

    It can also be a good idea to prepare a “safe list” of topicThematopics of conversation (food, weather, sport, TV viewing). It’s about forming the right sort of connections between you and your boss. “You shouldn’t open up to them like you do [to] your best friend, but remember they’re human and have a life beyond the office,” says Emily Howard of “Friendly conversation may even lead you to realize the two of you have shared interests or goalZielgoals, and it may even give you insightEinblickinsight into how they approach their work.”

    Remember that your boss is human and has a life beyond the office

    Business travel is a chance for you to show your boss what you can do and who you are when away from the office. But it is important to know what is expected of you. Meet with your boss before the trip, advises Barbara Pachter, author of The Essentials of Business Etiquette, talking to CNN. Pachter says it is important to know from the start who will be responsible for such tasks as booking tickets and to schedule sth.etw. anberaumenscheduling meetings. You should also discuss with your boss which of you pays for things like hotels, restaurants and transportation.

    Sue Bryant of points to how behaviour differs from country to country and from culture to culture. “If you are travelling in Asia, for example, where meetings follow strict protocolhier: Verhaltensregel(n)protocol, to adopt sth.etw. übernehmenadopt this local culture,” says Bryant. “You may to banter with jmdm. scherzen, schäkernbanter freely with your boss in the office but in countries like China or Japan, junior employeeNachwuchskraftjunior employees are expected to defer to sb.sich jmdm. fügendefer to the boss and in meetings, let them lead the conversation. Do not to contradict sb.jmdm. widersprechencontradict your superiorVorgesetzte(r)superior in front of clients, as it will cause them a serious loss of face. Age and status need to be respected.”

    There’s someone else who might need reassuranceBeruhigungreassurance, too. The idea that you will be spending time away with a seniordienstälter, vorgesetztsenior work colleague can put pressure on relationships at home. “The spouseEhepartner(in)spouse or partner left behind can feel angry and resentfulverärgertresentful,” Dr Scott Cohen, University of Surrey, told CNN. He suggests managing expectations (it might not be possible to call because of time differences or scheduled meetings) and planning before the trip as a family or couple.


    So, what about the boss’s perspective? “It’s easy to forget that you were once in your employee’s to be in sb.’s shoesin jmds. Lage seinshoes,” writes Monique Claiborne, finance and business travel expert, at She suggests that, as the boss, you should make time to stop talking about work and interact with your employee as an individual, and that you should give them enough space, whether during travel or in their free time. And finally, says Claiborne, let employees know that they don’t need to follow your every move, the clothes you wear or what you say. “There is enough pressure already travelling with the boss,” she says. “These little moments can to go a long wayviel bewirkengo a long way.”

    With or without the boss, business trips are a chance to escape your routine, and should be enjoyed. They are not holidays, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t make the most of your travels.

    Avi Meir of identifies a growing trend: business-leisureFreizeitleisure travel, or “bleisure”, adding personal relaxation time to work trips. “If taking an extra couple [of] relaxation days will to recharge sb.jmdm. neue Energie gebenrecharge you and make you a stronghier: leistungsstarkstronger assetVermögenswert; hier: wertvolle(r) Mitarbeiter(in)asset upon return, your boss will understand,” Meir explains.

    “By extending your trip and covering your own costs on the additional days, you might even save your company money on airfareFlugkostenairfare,” he adds.
    Who knows? Maybe your boss will be doing the same.

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