Tricky translations: How do you say “smart” in German?

    Business Spotlight 3/2017
    Von Mike Seymour

    Smart in the sense of: clever, intelligent or sensible

    If we describe a person as being “smart”, we mean that they are clever, intelligent or sensible. Something may also be described as a “smart moveintelligenter/kluger Schachzugsmart move”.

    Example: I always knew he would be successful; he was the smartest boy in our class.
    Translation: Ich habe immer gewusst, dass er erfolgreich sein würde; er war der schlauste Junge in unserer Klasse.


    Smart in the sense of: clean, tidy and attractive

    When used to describe someone’s appearance, “smart” means “clean, tidy and attractive”. Business invitations may refer to the dress code “smart casualgehobene Freizeitkleidung, lässig-elegantsmart casual”.

    Example: You look smart. Do you have a job interview?
    Translation: Du siehst schick aus. Hast du ein Vorstellungsgespräch?


    Smart in the sense of: to hurt

    Finally, the verb “to smartschmerzen, wehtun, brennensmart” means “to hurt with a stinging pain”:

    Example: My eyes were smarting because I touched them after cooking with chillies.
    Translation: Meine Augen brannten, weil ich sie berührt habe, nachdem ich mit Peperoni gekocht hatte.


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