Why is technical writing a great global career?

    Business Spotlight 4/2018
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    technical writertechnische(r) Redakteur(in)Technical writers turn jargonFachsprachejargon into communication. The work requires lots of contact with specialists ranging from project managers and programmers to engineerIngenieur(in)engineers and medical professionalFachkraft in einem medizinischen Berufmedical professionals.

    When people ask me about technical writing, I give them everydayalltäglicheveryday examples. I tell them that technical writers create user manualBenutzerhandbuch, Bedienungsanleitunguser manuals that help them to start using their new smartphones or to install the latest software on their laptops. That’s when they realize the value of what technical writers do.Some people think that the rolehier: Aufgabe, Tätigkeitrole of a technical writer is unnecessary, but I argue that a product is never complete without the proper documentation. Although some engineers can write documentation, technical writing requires special skills and expertiseFachwissenexpertise, and while it’s true that software developers are experts, our audiencePublikum; hier: Zielgruppeaudiences are not. The technical writer is an activist for users.

    Like most professions in information technology, technical writing provides you with many opportunities to work abroad. The tools and technology remain the same wherever we are in the world. The language may be different, but the basics are the same.

    The technical writer is an activist for users

    If you have writing experience and specific knowledge, finding a technical writing job in other countries is relatively easy. Most industryhier: Brancheindustries depend on their technical writers to manage internal and external documentation. There is also a growing need for user assistance written in clear “global English”. In some cases, it is even a plus if the technical writer is multilingual and can provide localizationhier: Sprachlokalisierunglocalization and translation services in addition to writing.

    In my career as a technical writer, I have seen many colleagues and friends move from one country to another because of a great job opportunity. It is fascinating to work with an international team of writers who share the same passion for both technology and texts.


    Maryland Sara is from the Philippines, where she began her technical writing career. She has worked in Singapore and Munich, and recently moved to Nantes to write for a company focusing on big data.

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