On your bikes!

    Business Spotlight 4/2018
    Fahrradfahrer von oben
    © golero/istock.com
    Von Margaret Davis

    Would you be motivated to cycle to work if your company paid you to do it? Employees at a New Zealand advertising agency have been given that option. Travelling to work by bike will earn them NZ$ 5 (about €3) a day. If they continue biking for more than six months, the figure rises to NZ$ 10 a day.

    Company owner Tim Chesney believes that the incentiveAnreizincentive will make employees more productive. “I’m a really keenleidenschaftlichkeen cyclist [and] cash is clearly the most obvious incentive,” Chesney told Stuff.co.nz. “I know for myself I to show up (ifml.)erscheinenshow up feeling a lot more energized. My blood is already flowing.”

    Cycling to work is better than joining a gym

    Employee Elliot Gilmore says cycling to work is better than joining a gymFitnessstudiogym. “I get to ride through Hagley Park and see people feeding the ducks, reading books and stuff (ifml.)und all so wasand stuff, which is quite different to just waiting for the lightshier: Ampellights to change while driving.”

    Chesney’s company, Make Collective, is located in Christchurch. According to the city councilStadtratcity council, Christchurch has more cyclists than any other city in New Zealand.

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