The Essential Career Guide 2019

    Ian McMaster
    © Oliver Kühl

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    Transcript: Ian McMaster about Business Spotlight's Careers issue

    Ian, could you maybe tell us a little bit about the idea behind the special Careers issue of Business Spotlight?

    Ian McMaster: For the current Business Spotlight we decided to put a special focus on a wide range of issues relating to the topic of careers. For many people, this is one of the main topics that concerns them and there are so many questions to be answered. What should I do in my career? How can I make progress and earn more? Should I work more — or perhaps less? Should I take a breakhier: Auszeitbreak? Should I do something completely different? And so on and so forth. So in the current issue of Business Spotlight, we have to devote sth. to sth.etw. einer Sache widmendevoted our regular sections to these sorts of questions. In our Business Skills section, Bob Dignen provides tips for self-development. In our Intercultural section, Robert Gibson gives advice on working in international contexts. In our Easy English section, Mike Hogan shows us how to to negotiate sth.etw. aushandelnnegotiate a pay increase. And in our main featurehier: Hauptartikelmain feature, Lois Hoyal looks at the wide range of steps you can take to to boost sth.etw. antreiben; hier: voranbringenboost your career — including getting an extra qualification, working abroad, learning a new language or simply taking a break from work. There’s much more, too. We look at the language of pay and benefitsZusatz-, Nebenleistungenbenefits, discuss the jobs of the future, and provide tips for how to behave at your office Christmas party in a way that doesn’t ruin your career. We’re sure our readers will enjoy this special issue and to look forward to sth.sich auf etw. freuenlook forward to their feedback.


    Essential Career Guide 2019

    In unserem großen Karriere-Spezial in der Ausgabe 7/2018 von Business Spotlight finden Sie alles, was Sie brauchen, um 2019 beruflich so richtig durchzustarten. Bestellen Sie in unserem Shop das Printmagazin oder E-Paper. 

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