Following up: Alternative phrases

    Business Spotlight Audio 4/2016
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    © Shironosov/thinkstock

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    Transcript: Alternative phrases

    There are always alternative ways of saying the same thing. Let’s see if you can be creative and think of alternatives to some of the phrases Lynn uses. First, you will hear the phrase. I’ll then give you some key words. In the pause, use these words to make an alternative statement that means the same as Lynn’s. OK? Let’s try this.

    Lynn: Do you have a minute?
    Good time to talk
    Is this a good time to talk?

    Lynn: I’ll be quick.
    Take a minute
    It will only take a minute.

    Lynn: Do you remember we spoke last week at the project meeting?
    Good talking to you
    It was good talking to you last week at the project meeting.

    Lynn: I’m calling about the budget situation.
    Like to discuss
    I’d like to discuss the budget situation.

    Lynn: I promised to do the quarterlyQuartals-quarterly update by next Monday.
    Agreed to to finalizeetw. ausarbeiten, abschließenfinalize
    I agreed to finalize the quarterly update by next Monday.

    Lynn: And I still need your inputBeitraginput from finance.
    Haven’t got yet
    And I haven’t got your input from finance yet.

    Lynn: Is there anything I can do to help you?
    Help in any way
    Can I help you in any way?

    Lynn: As long as I get them by Thursday, I can finalize the report on Friday.
    If Thursday complete Friday
    If I get them by Thursday, I can complete the report on Friday.

    How was that? Could you come up with good alternative sentences — even if they weren’t exactly the same as ours? If not, go back and try the exercise again. Reminding someone of something that they promised to do needs to be done carefully. But if you use Lynn’s five-point plan, you should be able to get the information you need.


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