Sweet success

    Dominique Persoone and the chocolate factory workers
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    Full marks go to Dominique Persoone for creating jobs in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

    The Rolling Stones have to snort sth.etw. schnupfen, sniffensnorted it, and naked women have been covered in it. The chocolate made by Belgian Dominique Persoone is in demand by the rich and bored. But expanding production to the DRC is risky, even for Persoone.

    His chocolate factory is situated near the Virunga National Park, home of the endangeredgefährdet, (vom Aussterben bedroht)endangered mountain gorilla. poachingWildereiPoaching and conflicts among armed groups have destabilized the region, so few people have been willing to set up their businesses there. “People have perceptions of eastern Congo as a disaster area,” park director Emmanuel de Merode told The Economist

    But Persoone sees potential in the area. Locally generated hydroelectric powerWasserkrafthydroelectric power is to fuel sth.etw. antreiben; hier: mit Energie versorgenfuelling the factory, and the jobs and income it provides are bringing stability. Roger Marora, a factory worker, is optimistic about the chocolate he and his co-workers are learning how to produce: “It is very nearly perfect.”

    Persoone is not yet convinced: “I am putting my name on the barRiegel; Tafelbars. They have to be good.” When he is satisfied with it, the chocolate will be sent to Europe to sweeten the lives of those with money to spend. 
